Famiy Photo

Famiy Photo
We all celebrated birthdays ending with 0!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

What I learned on my summer vacation....

Every year on the first day back for all teachers and staff, we start off with an icebreaker, "Where did you go and what did you learn on your summer vacation?" This summer I can honestly say that I learned a lot about blogs, wikis, and podcasts! So, my podcast is a message that I hope to share with everyone before our first TEAM meeting of the year.

I also learned some other things this summer, but I'll wait and share those in person!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Information Overload!

I don't know why it is more tiring to sit all day than it is to be running around and multi-tasking! I just spent two long days in professional development. The sessions were packed full of ideas and now my brain is on information overload! It will take some time to process everything. I hope I can put at least a few of the things I learned into practice for the upcoming school year.

I'm looking forward to a quick trip to San Antonio this weekend. We're going to visit our friends that we saw in Florida. The day after we left their house in Miami, the movers came, and they were relocated to Texas. It's great to have them closer, although it's nowhere near the beach! Hope you all have a great weekend.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The dreaded alarm clock

The end is near...my summer vacation will officially be over in just a few short hours. I will miss it. It has been great to sleep late. I've loved starting each day with time to enjoy my coffee and newspaper. Not having a daily schedule has been a wonderful luxury. There's definitely a lot to be said about the benefits of rest and relaxation.

However, I know that it's time for me to get back to work and get ready for a new school year. I accomplish much more with a schedule and a routine. I've missed laughing with my school friends and hearing their stories. If only I could find a way to avoid the dreaded alarm clock, life would be good.

This will be my 30th year in education which is very hard to believe. When I started my career, I planned to teach for 5 years and then get a real job! It's funny how life takes its twists and turns and still you end up where you were supposed to be all along. Guess I'm getting philosophical in my old age!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Nothin' new!

I've been waiting to post this week hoping that I'd have something new or interesting to report. The good news/bad news is that there's nothin' new! We've just been hanging out, reading, watching TV, and trying to avoid the heat.

I did make it to the Athletic Center twice this week and took two yoga classes. I've done yoga with a DVD in the past but never attended a class. After the first day, I thought, "This could be relaxing." There were a lot of new people, and the instructor went very slowly. The second time was a completely different story! There were about half as many people and the instructor went from move to move non-stop. Of course, I couldn't do a lot of the stuff, and if everyone else hadn't been so serious, I could've fallen on the floor laughing! It was quite a humbling experience. Needless to say, I'm a bit sore! I didn't go today because it said the class was int. to advanced, and I'm nowhere close to either of those. Still trying to learn how to become one with the breath! Hope to try again tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It's already July!

When July arrives, I start getting sad because it means that my blissful vacation is coming to an end. I know that I have no reason to complain since I get a lot more time off than friends of mine with jobs outside of education. BUT, summer goes by way too fast-no matter what! So, I'll make it a point to totally enjoy every minute of the next 19 days. I've learned a lot about wikis this week and attended my first webinar today. We love to travel with a group of friends and since I'm the designated "planner," I'm going to try to use a wiki to plan a trip to Belize for Spring Break. Has anyone been there?

Enjoy the fireworks this weekend!

PS: There are plenty of places to park in the fields and office complexes around Pizza Hut Park to get a great view of the fireworks from the stadium.

Florida June 2009

Florida June 2009
